ماهنامه شماره 26 (مهر ماه 1396)
GS1 Iran has translated following standards and documents into Iranian Language in August and September 2017:
- GS1 Product Image Specification Standard Release 3.0
Status: Published and Sent to Users
- GS1 System Architecture Document Release 6.0
Status: Being used for training purposes
GS1 Iran has organized new committees
GS1 Iran has assigned new Work Groups and Steering Teams for below internal Committees:
- GS1 Cloud Project Committee
GS1 Iran has organized this committee to cooperate with GO on GS1 Cloud Project in order to create best practical results for GS1 Iran. After planning GS1 Iran’s Cloud Project Roadmap, all internal departments have been involved on their tasks and responsibilities. This committee aims to identify Active end users and gather all necessary data to populate GS1 Cloud.
GS1 Iran is working on making correspondence between domestic product identification codes (IRAN Code) and GS1 GTIN codes and also trying to obtain Product Images from brand owners. We have also requested for assistance from GO and GS1 New Zealand to clarify our ambiguities and fortunately they have both provided us with a great deal of expertise.
- Master Data Management & Data Quality Committee
This committee is working on data quality solutions and services based on both GS1 Coding System and Iran’s National Product Coding System (IRAN Code).
IRAN Code and GPC correspondence
The National Center of Products and Service Numbering of Iran (GS1 Iran) took the initiative to make correspondence between national product classification (IRAN Code) and GS1 global product classification (GPC). The correspondence has been previously established between the key codes of national product classification and various international product classifications such as HS, UNSPSC, CPC, and ISIC. This was done so to enable our members who may also use other international product codes to easily identify their products and market their information.
The same operation has been accomplished for GS1 GPC to facilitate all the members of the national product coding system to obtain their product’s corresponding GPC codes and values. This would in turn enable them to correctly make correspondence of their product classification in GPC structure and also indentify their products in that structure.